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Perimeter Alarm Systems: Intelligent Outdoor Surveillance

A perimeter alarm system is designed to keep your property safe from every angle. Sensors are located on all possible entry points. When these are triggered, they send an alert to a central control system. This tells you where an intruder is attempting to gain access, allowing you to involve relevant authorities quickly and effectively. 

Before installing a perimeter alarm system, a thorough assessment of the property is required. This will identify all possible entry points, so that sensors can be positioned in the most effective areas.

What Are Perimeter Alarms?

A perimeter intrusion detection system (PIDS) is a device that detects intruders. It alerts the owner of the property. How it does this varies, depending on the alarm.

Protect Your Property’s Exterior

With the latest technology from Ajax, you can feel reassured that your property is safe from intruders. MotionCam Outdoor detects trespassers and takes photos when triggered or by request. These images are easily viewed from the Ajax mobile app, so you can monitor your property no matter where you are. The MotionCam Outdoor is optimised to take high quality pictures, no matter the weather or time of day.

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This intelligent technology is able to filter false alarms and even ensures that pets aren’t triggers. Spectral analysis ensures that motion from trees and other surroundings don’t set off your alarm. You’ll only be notified in the event of a real intrusion.

Be Prepared For Any Intruder

You won’t be taken by surprise with the MotionCam Outdoor. In the event of an intrusion, you’ll find out who has entered the property, as well as any additional criminals following and whether they’re armed. This vital information helps you to prepare your security team for the best outcome. You can also use the images to help police track down and prosecute criminals quickly.

Anti-Sabotage Technology

You’ll be pleased to know that the MotionCam Outdoor is fitted with intelligent technology to prevent disruption. There’s a tamper detector, which will let you know if someone is trying to remove the device. As well as this, sensors can detect when the system is covered or painted, even if the system is disarmed. Any attempt to compromise your security will be observed, with notifications sent to you and your security company immediately.

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Long Lasting Perimeter Alarm Systems

The DualCurtain Outdoor has up to 4 years of battery life, meaning you can fit and forget, knowing that your property is protected. When the device requires new batteries or periodic maintenance, you’ll be informed on the Ajax app, so you won’t risk malfunction.

This device benefits from two sets of motion sensors. All of these can be adjusted, so you’re able to customise your perimeter alarm system to suit your needs. Unlike other motion sensors, you won’t have any blind spots with the DualCurtain Outdoor.

Who Would Benefit From Perimeter Alarms?

Anyone could benefit from this system. Proper perimeter protection is vital in protecting both private, public, and commercial property.

Anybody who takes the security of their home or business seriously would benefit from a PIDS as part of a holistic approach to security. Those who already, or are planning to, have other security systems installed would find them useful. Perimeter Alarms act as a technology force multiplier. They improve the effectiveness of other security systems, directing and coordinating them.

Choose GSS Security For Perimeter Alarm Systems

To ensure that your property is protected from trespassers, choose GSS Security. We fit a number of reliable alarm systems and can create bespoke security packages. The Ajax products that we work with are highly effective. They’re tamper-proof, and can even trigger alarms in the unlikely event that the entire system is destroyed. Keep the perimeter of your property safe with a security installation today.


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